Have you ever wondered why sea breeze is perceived as cool? – When hot air moves over the sea, the sea water absorbs heat from air and evaporates, the air cools and becomes a cooling breeze. Or another question: What do You feel the body, when you step out of the sea to the shore after a swim on a hot day, when the temperature of the water reaches 27 degrees Celsius and the temperature of 35-40 degrees Celsius? Of course cool.

Why? Because water and air are warm enough?! And, it would seem, there should be no feeling of coolness. The principle is the same – When hot wind sweeps over the skin of Your body, abundantly moistened with sea water, the water evaporates, and, as a result, the skin feels cool, which occurs as a result of water evaporation. Swamp coolers “NewAir” just a natural repeat this process in the form of air handling systems. Water saturates a special, water-soaked filters. Then hot air is passed through these filters with the powerful cylindrical dryer and is cooled through evaporation of water. Thus, in contrast to the artificially cooled air to all other air conditioning systems, and in particular, compressor type, Swamp coolers “NewAir” served in the room is constant flow of naturally cooled fresh air. 2. HOW MANY SWAMP COOLERS CONSUME ELECTRICITY? The power consumption depends on the power of electric motors coolers, and ranges in household of nature from 50 to 215 watts/hour at, respectively, the capacity of the coolers from 500 to 1500 cubic meters of cooled air per hour. In models of industrial-commercial consumption of electricity varies from 0.75 to 2 kW/h, capacity of the coolers from 60 to 11,000 cubic meters of cooled air per hour. In general, the energy consumption of our coolers is only 15-20% of the electricity consumption all other types of air conditioning. In this respect, they are unique in the world. 3. HOW MUCH WATER CONSUME SWAMP COOLERS? The consumption of water always depends on relative humidity of outside air during the day, the outdoor temperature and the speed of rotation of the dryer cooler. For stationary coolers that connect to the water network and have a constant supply of water, consumption of water on a hot day is from 13 to 48 liters of water per hour depending on the capacity of the cooler. Household model of swamp coolers “NewAir” at maximum power use 10-15 liters for 6-8 hours of work (per day, per shift). The lower the outdoor temperature, the less water consumption, which in General can be reduced to zero when the cooler in fan only mode.


It should be noted that part of the water …

I think the main reason you’re reading through this’s you’re thinking about hiring a certified painting contractor to paint the home of yours. Whether you’re likely to have the interior or maybe exterior painted generally there are a number of main elements to think about as you make the choice. Let us face it, your house is a crucial advantage. You don’t only want it to look good though you are looking to defend the value by having good quality workmanship and also the most effective merchandise for the task decision.

Check List for Finding an excellent Painter:

Two) Get 2 or maybe more references of previous clients that have used the service of theirs, discuss with these people and ask very detailed thoughts of each reference.

Three) Ask the contractor just how long they’ve been in business and ensure they’ve done the exact same work type you need frequently & what % of their job it represents. You want a painter who is done this before & not only after or perhaps twice.

Four) In Downingtown, Get a minimum of 2 other written bids/quotes from various painting businesses to ensure they’re not completely ripping you off on the cost make sure the quotes are actually apples to apples – other materials and paint differ and you have to find out what is provided!

Five) Find a painter who’s ready to provide you with pricing for modest jobs over the telephone.

You desire turnkey pricing not per hour rates.

The ideal place to begin to ask about painters in the local area of yours is actually neighbors, friends and family, since they are going to tell you the fact and answer your inquiries fast.

When asking for referrals, you’ll want to check the kind of work the painter was called into achieve as well as compare that to the kind of painting job that you’ve in mind for the house of yours. Also, decide whether the painter specializes in commercial or residential work.

Hire a Painter

Examples of Questions We would Ask

1. Would you employ this particular business again to paint your home?

If their result is actually “no”, then stop…and question why? Is it a great reason or perhaps irrational nor logical.

Everybody has a viewpoint of quality workmanship, therefore you might wish to see the job for yourself to ensure your perception matches with the friends of yours.

Look directly at Cut In locations around doorways, windows and trim. Will be the lines directly and was caulking put on to seal the joints.…

Yes, increase. The humidity increases slightly, but this increase is usually not noticeable, if You follow our recommendations and leave window and door openings are some open (for household, enough to open a window or door for 15 cm). If that’s not enough for industrial devices requires the installation of additional exhaust ventilation. Overall, for every 1,000 cubic meters, entering the room through the air cooled chillers, you must have 0, 8 square meters or exhaust openings required to install adequate exhaust ventilation. Should observe a simple rule – how much air filed into the room through the cooler, the same amount must be ejected from the room through openings, where they are not enough, and using additional exhaust fans.


When installing the apparatus and adhering to the basic rules: how much air entered the room through the coolers in the room, the same should be thrown out of the room, the humidity will increase slightly at first and then stabilizes. In all cases it will not exceed the desired normal level for a man of 50-65%. If you are installing devices require humidity control, it is possible to install the humidity sensors (electricians know this very well), or to regulate the humidity almost decreasing or increasing the extraction of air from the room by decreasing or increasing the rotation speed of the exhaust fans or closing/opening natural hoods (windows, doors and other openings). The treatment of air by evaporative cooling is a natural process. The air at a certain temperature will not be able to absorb more moisture (humidity) than he can. Normal humidity range for people, animals and plants, as well as furniture and so on is in the range of 45-65%. But for many occasions and need high humidity. As, for example, in textile, carpet industry, tobacco industry and so on. Comfort is created not only by decreasing temperature but also to a corresponding humidity, fresh air (the coefficient of changes in the indoor air) and clean air.

For example, for car dealers it is better to install devices with associated electronics that automatically adjusts the necessary parameters. If you install a humidity of 60%, the electronics unit and the wall control panel will automatically adjust the rotation of the fan blades, increasing or reducing the amount of air supply into the room, with the help of which and will be governed by the level of humidity.…

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently published new energy conservation standards for residential furnace fans, which it says will help reduce carbon pollution by up to 34 million metric tons and save Americans more than $9 billion in home electricity bills through 2030. Critics of the rule argue the DOE is placing an undue burden on the HVAC industry by regulating components of appliances that already meet energy-efficiency guidelines, and that consumers will be harmed by the higher cost of the new furnaces.


Manufacturers will initially bear the brunt of this change, as they will need to redesign their furnace lines in order to comply with the new standard, which takes effect in 2019. While it is still too early to tell how much that will cost, it will likely be significant, noted Francis Dietz, vice president of public affairs, Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI). “We believe that regulating individual components is a step in the wrong direction. Instead, we should be moving in the other direction — considering the overall efficiency of systems rather than components.” The new furnace fan standard is a first for the DOE, which, up until now, has regulated the system-based performance of HVAC units, not the energy efficiency of individual components. This is a concern, said Dietz, because the regulation of a component seems to be contrary to the basic concept of a minimum-efficiency standard for the product. “It also reduces the manufacturer’s flexibility in determining how a model will comply with the standard.” Furnaces are already tested for gas efficiency (AFUE) and electrical efficiency (SEER) as part of a total system analysis (Energy Star), and additional standards on power usage or individual components are unnecessary and will place an undue burden on manufacturers, said Shawn Laskoski, vice president of product management, Ingersoll Rand . “The standards themselves could limit the opportunity to differentiate and innovate as you see manufacturers currently doing today.”

Karen Meyers, vice president of government affairs, Rheem Mfg. Co. , agrees, noting that “adding efficiency standards for components of a product and having to ensure the product meets an overall efficiency standard increases the test requirements, which hinders our ability to utilize design resources to focus on new, innovative products that may actually offer more. HVAC Service: Evaporator Coil Replacement NORDYNE is Now Nortek Global HVAC.…

Panasonic inverter air conditioner series Deluxe Air conditioning with inverter “Panasonic Deluxe” is wall-mounted split systems, which work on the cooling and heating of air in a room. Wall split-system Panasonic series Deluxe is compact equipment with high performance and low noise to create comfortable atmosphere in the home, apartment and other premises. Panasonic inverter air conditioner series “Deluxe high efficiency at low cost energy and improved system e-ion APS air purification. And he also has a Patrol Sensor (sensor air pollution) and the function of removing unpleasant smells.

This air conditioner is the heat exchanger protected from harmful effects of rain, salt air, and other factors, which cause corrosion, which ensures a longer life of three times. In addition, all models of split-systems of this series have long and wide guide vanes, removable and washable panel. A large number of operating modes provides comfort to the consumer: function MAXIMIZE (optimal energy savings), Super Quiet (noise level – 21 dB), Powerful (increased airflow capacity). And also modes of quick cooling or heating, MildDry and ventilation. Air conditioning control is carried out using the remote control with LCD display. Sought after models of the Deluxe series are:• CS/CU-E7MKD• CS/CU-E9MKD• CS/CU-E12MKD• CS/CU-E15MKD• CS/CU-E18MKD• CS/CU-E24MKD• CS/CU-E28MKDThis range also includes:• air conditioner Panasonic CS-E7PKDW• air conditioner Panasonic CS/CU-E9PKDW• air conditioner Panasonic CS-E12PKDW Panasonic inverter air conditioner series “Flagship” Inverter air conditioner “Panasonic Flagship” is an intelligent wall-mounted split-system operating on cooling and heating. Air conditioning Panasonic Flagship also has a low noise level, high performance and most user-friendly, creating a comfortable environment in the house, apartment, etc. Panasonic inverter air conditioning series “Flagship” equipped with special sensors of human movement – the double activity of Heat sensors that allow maximum use of the capabilities of split-systems exactly in those places where there are people. So the energy spent on maintenance of empty zones. And with the sunlight sensor to adjust the level of cooling capacity in accordance with the intensity of the solar flux. Upon cooling saves up to 30% of electricity, and for heating to 40%.Air conditioners with inverter this series is also equipped with dual-mode timer and system e-ion APS or nanoe-G air purification in the room, which disinfects harmful viruses and bacteria and removes unpleasant odors and dangerous fumes. Therefore, this option inverter air conditioner is perfect for children’s rooms and spaces, inhabited by people suffering from allergies and lung diseases. The option to use the remote control to the air-conditioners Panasonic.


On the official website you can see all the options infrared remote control. Inverter air conditioner Panasonic Flagship also has the following modes:• Quiet mode (silent)• Auto mode• Mode Soft Dry• The Powerful mode (increasing the power of the …

Air conditioners with inverter on the market relatively recently. And one of the main producers of high-quality inverter air conditioners is the Japanese company Panasonic. What are the different types of Panasonic inverter air conditioner, what are their characteristics and how they can be purchased, we discuss in our article.


Inverter air conditioners Panasonic − general features of all split systems Inverter split system Panasonic works as follows: the alternating current is converted into a constant that can be adjusted. This principle is Central to the work of inverting the engine, whereby the air conditioning Panasonic inverter can smoothly change the degree of cooling and heating in the room. While these air conditioners feature a Powerful regime. Using this mode, the equipment can operate at an increased power level, which is usually above the nominal 30%. Thus, the room quite quickly it reaches the desired temperature. Another feature that we have all inverter air conditioners Panasonic (Malaysia – the place of production), is a spiral scroll-compressor. Its advantage is that the degree of efficiency is always constant. For example, a simple rotary compressors wear as start to lose efficiency. In other words, even after 10 years of service Panasonic air-conditioners will be as effectively cool the air and heat it in the room. Inverter air conditioning brand Panasonic function in the mode in which eliminated the constant stopping and resuming his work. For example, conventional air conditioning only operates when the compressor. In this case one will be able to warm up the room to the desired temperature. With regard to conditioners with inverters, they can reduce the level of performance, thus maintaining the optimal microclimate in the room. Panasonic air conditioners (on the official site are all the models with inverter) have another important benefit. It comes to quick power conditioner at the time when the equipment has reached the right level of work. That is, its advantage is in the fact that the level of such quick power conditioner with inverter in 2 times lower in comparison with the conventional device. And as a result, in the inverter air overcool significantly less. For comparison: ordinary equipment generates airflow at a temperature of 8-12 degrees Celsius. And inverter air conditioner at this point only works on the maintenance of reached the room temperature. In this case, the airflow temperature is 13-15 degrees. Note — similar to a split system run virtually silent with high capacity and low energy consumption, robust and have long life. Panasonic air-conditioners (on the website can be ordered with different inverter) have a wide model line that allows you to choose the right equipment for every taste. Inverter air conditioner Panasonic: series and popular model …

However, the top creative and technology professionals Panasonic can be called the air-conditioners CS-XE series Super Deluxe Like all inverters, split system Super Deluxe (model CS-XE9 JKDW, CS-XE12JKDW, CS-XE18JKDW, CS-XE24JKDW) are designed to save energy and create a comfortable climate, smoothly changing the temperature. One should add here that all models of the CS-XE EE belong to the upper class A. But the concept of “comfortable climate” is not limited to optimal temperature characteristics. The air must be not only fresh, but also clean. Experts Panasonic took care of that, improving in air conditioners CS-XE system cleaning and diagnostics of air.

Updated sensor the Patrol Sensor monitors the purity of the air and alerts the user about its status 24 hours a day using colour LEDs. As soon as the air becomes dirtier the set of values, automatically starts the cleaning system. The principle of operation of the system based on the force of attraction between negatively charged dust particles and positively charged Mega-filter e-ion that covers the entire surface of the heat exchanger. Active e-ions are generated by the system, impart a negative charge to the dust particles, and Mega-filter attracts them. The conditioner not only catch the dust, but also eliminates 99% of harmful viruses, bacteria and mold spores. For more comfort cooling, new models Panasonic is equipped with a large cross flow fan with improved design. The large diameter of the fan significantly increases airflow, which quickly cools the room to the desired temperature. Since the air flow covers a wide area, the room temperature is distributed evenly, eliminating drafts and “stagnant” zones. It is worth noting that in air conditioners Panasonic CS-XE no need to constantly set the modes manually. For this purpose there is a function to automatically switch modes. In addition, automatic remote restart will allow you to be sure that in case of interruptions in the mains supply after removing the system safely resume their work. Air-conditioned Deluxe and Super Deluxe feature Mild Dry, which maintains humidity 10% more than conventional cooling. This prevents dryness in the eyes, and unpleasant sensations in the throat. It’s no secret that the choice of household appliances, we always think about how it will fit into the interior of the room. Split-system Panasonic CS-XE will not only create a comfortable climate, but, without exaggeration, will decorate any room, because the design of air conditioning series Deluxe and Super Deluxe – another innovation from Panasonic. Smoothly curved shape of the case resembles the sail of a yacht in the wind. It symbolizes a light breeze created by the air conditioning. By the way, the case has a smooth surface without holes vozduhoob menu lattice, so easy to care …

Panasonic manufactures air conditioners since 1957. Over the years she has become one of the world leaders in this field. And not by accident. In air conditioners Panasonic combines good quality and relatively affordable price, reliability and the latest developments, ease of control and versatility. In each model range of air conditioners Panasonic has a zest that makes this unique conditioning. From series to series, the company improves technical characteristics of split systems, adds new features, improves technologies, and thus increases the possibilities of choice that always pleases the buyer.


Perhaps the most significant advantage of all of Panasonic air-conditioners series from standard to Super Deluxe is the inverter technology used in these air conditioners. Caring about the environment, Panasonic pays a lot of attention to the improvement of energy-saving technologies, including household appliances. Thus, the company contributes to the conservation of our planet. For specialists and experienced in modern technology men inverter technology associated with energy savings. The fact that the inverter air conditioner cooled the air to a predetermined temperature, begins to operate at a minimum capacity. As a result, the electricity consumption is reduced. For example, in models of Panasonic CS-XE saving up to 50%. Another Association that arise at the mention of inverter technology, high level of comfort. The system monitors the engine speed and the air conditioning regulates output. The benefits are obvious. First, inverter air conditioners are able at the right time to generate more power, that is, if necessary in the room quickly established a comfortable temperature. Secondly, due to the fact that the system accurately tracks temperature changes and adjusts the power, these air conditioners not only to quickly create the desired temperature, but definitely support it. By the way, the power range of inverters Panasonic – 0.8 to 6.7 kW. To achieve such quantities are managed using original technology Hyper wave inverter and e-scroll compressor. Finally, another advantage of inverters is quiet: without the annoying clicks of the switching characteristic of reinventing models, the air conditioning becomes so quiet that one might forget about him. If we talk about the features of different series, Panasonic air conditioners model series standard not only cool, but also filter SUPER alleru-buster health care. Filter provides triple protection air: neutralizes allergens, kills viruses and destroys bacteria. Moreover, the service life of the filter reaches 10 years. Really feel comfort helps the soft mode dehumidification Soft Dry.

When the air cools, the air conditioner on low speed compressor starts continuously to blow in the room weak air flow that keeps air dryness and does not change the temperature. Paradise atmosphere creates mode and the cool breeze Soft Breeze: from time to time, swaying up and down, …

How to use the remote control unit Infrared remote control air conditioning Infrared remote controls transmit control signals to the air through radiation. Infrared panels are used in wall, duct, wall and ceiling, cassette split systems. These remote controls are easy to use, but there are restrictions on their use. The range of infrared remote control up to 8 meters, bright light can interfere. If several air conditioners in the same space or there are transparent partitions, the control signal from one remote can conceive the air conditioning in your area.

In many models of air conditioners in the remote control there is a self-diagnosis function. If the air conditioner is faulty, the light-indicators on the indoor units can be considered error codes. Wired control panels air conditioning Wired remote controls transmit control signals to the conditioning on the wire. Used in wall, duct, wall and ceiling, cassette split systems. Wired remotes allow you to broadcast control signals to longer distances than infrared, but require installation. Wired remote can also perform a diagnostic function. Using a wired remote control you can control the air conditioning group. Wired remote control can be equipped with a temperature sensor that enables optimal performance of air conditioning system (temperature measurements of the air in the room and at the entrance to the evaporator of the indoor unit).Basic commands transmitted from the remote control: Commands from the remote control correspond to the basic functions of the air conditioner: HEAT – air conditioner in the heating mode, COOL – the air conditioner in the cooling mode.DRY – the dry mode of the premises. In the DRY there is an intensive condensation of moisture on the indoor unit heat exchanger, resulting in lower humidity. This mode is identical to mode COOL, but with a reduced impeller speed of the indoor unit. Not all manufacturers provide humidity control in the conditioned space during DRY. The function of maintaining the optimal humidity put, for example, in air conditioners DAIKIN.FAN – fan mode. This mode does not provide for cooling, heating or dehumidifying spaces, but in this mode the air is filtered. Typically, most air conditioners have the ability to select 3 speeds of rotation of the impeller of the indoor unit. The 4 speed used in the AUTO mode. In this mode, the split system automatically sets the optimal speed.


AUTO – mode, which lets you automatically maintain a comfortable temperature. In this mode, the automation periodically compares three parameters: the temperature of the cooled air stream, the temperature of the incoming air flow and the set temperature. According to the analysis of automation issues the required control signals. SLEEP – mode, allowing providing a comfortable temperature during sleep. …

To ensure the heating and hot water in a large private mansion, located in the parish of Saint-Sauveur (Jersey, Channel Islands), were chosen for heat pumps Panasonic Aquarea. The transition from the old and expensive liquid-fuel heating system provided property owners significant cost savings.


In 2014 the company Plumbing&Heating Services (PHS) Limited, was tasked to replace the existing heating system and to propose a new energy-efficient solution for large object in the parish of St-Sauveur. In a mansion with five bedrooms, three living rooms, three bathrooms, adjacent Chalet space for doing business, needed a system that could solve fairly complex engineering problems. The previous heating system was a liquid-fuel boiler. Unfortunately, this equipment was inefficient, noisy; take up much space and because of the chimney, passing through the inside of the mansion, the room had condensation and damp. Home owners looking for a compact quiet system that would efficiently heat the entire home and outbuildings, as well as provide energy savings and heating costs. Given the large area of the object, specialists of the company PHS was looking for highly efficient and reliable solution which would satisfy the requirements of the clients. In addition, to ensure a minimum of disruption to family life and the work of the office, the designers proposed to use the existing radiators and hot water system. As a result, it was decided to install two air source heat pumps Panasonic Aquarea 12kW capacity each. At first, to release space and to prevent pollution of the territory, assemblers dismantled the copper and the big reservoir for liquid fuel located in one of outdoor constructions. Then both Aquarea thermal pumps were installed in the convenient place adjacent to garage. According to Allan Lawson, the CEO of PHS, the client remained is happy that, how silent and effective were Panasonic thermal pumps. In only one year the house owner received 100% of economy on payment of accounts for liquid fuel and noticeable drop of operational costs. In the past experts of PHS already repeatedly installed thermal pumps of the Aquarea series and consider this decision one of the fast and effective. As a rule, house owners are completely satisfied with the received results and the reached economy.

Air Panasonic 12kW thermal pumps enter a popular line of Aquarea. Models of the Panasonic Aquarea series have impressive effectiveness ratio (COP=5,08) and are one of the most compact, multiple-purpose, silent and economically effective devices presented in the British market. The ruler turns on the thermal pumps with power from 3 to 16 kW allowing saving to 100% of expenses on heating. Besides, thermal pumps of the Panasonic Aquarea series corresponds requirements of the British state program of Green Deal for …